註釋 This interesting publication consisting of a thorough presentation of the architecture of the small French town and country-side, comes as a timely contribution to the many sources for small house design now current. The great chateaux, the marvelous Gothic cathedrals and the city hotels have all been well studied and completely photographed and figured in architectural books and publications for years, but scarcely any attention has been given to the small town houses, cottages, farm-houses and the minor chateaux and manors of old France. That this field is wealthy with suggestions for the architect of today is plain to anyone who has had the opportunity to travel, sketch or photograph in the departments, especially in such sections as Normandy, Brittany, Cote d' Or, the Dordogne Valley or along the Loire or the Seine. That the architect should be more generally familiar with the many picturesque and delightfully informal small houses of France, goes without saying and this excellent book-largely a book of plates, with short descriptive notes on the various types covered by the plates-will be a welcome addition to the office library, where any amount of residence work is done. The subjects treated are divided into groups as follows: Small French Buildings; Cottages; Churches and Chapels; Town Houses; Chateaux, Manors and Farm Groups; details. The book is illustrated principally by half-tones from original photographs but contains a number of free-hand pen-an-ink elevations to scale, together with a number of simple, but well drawn perspectives. The beauty of the presentation and the fact that the authors have been careful not to duplicate work already available should make it a worthy companion for the excellent volumes of somewhat similar scope with respect to Italy by Guy Lowell. -The Western Architect , Vol. 31 [1922]