Corporate Finance

Did the Learning Aids or Hints (Help Me

Solve This, View an Example, ebook

links) in MyFinanceLab help you?

88.4% said YES!


Please check all of the Learning Aids

that helped you while working on


72.1% listed Help Me Solve This

79.3% listed View An Example


Did MyFinanceLab help you earn a

higher grade on your homework, exams

and/or the course?

94.3% said YES!


Would you recommend your instructor

to use MyFinanceLab for future


90.1% said YES!


Did you do any additional work in

MyFinanceLab that was not required by

your instructor?

58.3% said YES!


Of the total amount of time you spent

studying for this course, what percentage

of the time was in MyFinanceLab and

what percentage of the time was spent

using other learning resources?

63.25% of time in MFL

34.24% of time in other

learning resources