Anna's Ocean of Dreams
The Continuing Story of Anna: Book Two Paperback Edition)
出版America Star Books, 2015-07-20
主題Fiction / General
註釋Anna's Ocean of Dreams is book two in the continuing story of Anna. As in book one, No Time for Tears, it is also set in down east Maine. Growing up in hard and hungry times with an angry, abusive father and without a mother from age three left its mark on Anna. Enduring the cold Maine winters without enough warm clothing and never enough food to eat would leave its mark on anyone. All these things made Anna dream of a better life-a life in which she was determined that her own children would never have to endure these hardships or suffer the way she had. To fulfill these dreams Anna would have to move many mountains with much heartache along the way but she did it willingly for the love of her children. This is a story of great faith and courage, especially in times of extreme difficulties and unbelievable grief. Everyone should read this story, and then perhaps we would all realize that when we learn to depend on God, there is always light at the end of the darkness!