How Do Religious Figures Induce the Establishment of Sects?
A Testimonial Essay on the Surprising and Explicit Way in which Religious Figures Communicate with Human Beings and Induce Them to Feel, Think, Speak and Do Whatever They Want Them to Do
出版Minerva, 2000
註釋This is a remarkable story of a research project on the working of the conscience and a particular way of communication with the bioenergemal (spiritual) world called bioenergemal communication. The author, a well known psychotherapists, talks to a person (called Lucero) in relaxation as she describes extraordinary interactions with religious figures, including God the Father, Jesus, Mary and others - as well as the therapists himself. The author detects hidden persuasive forces at work in the unfolding dramas. Threats and instructions become less and less veiled, and the religious figures are revealed as monopolistic and self-serving; while some of Lucero's mental bioimages and bioscenes are truly terrifying. The conclusions are ground-breaking steps in the fascinating field of bioenergemal communication. The suggestibility of Lucero at the biointerface is admitted, but this does not, claims the author, invade the process or negate its importance as an enriching experience. This is a concise but substantial treatment of a subject which will be of interest to the specialist and the uninformed general reader alike. It is a scholarly work, a detailed and methodological approach to the subject matter, from an author obviously with wide experience in this field. This is a book packed with ideas about the conscience, mind, bioenergy, bioenergeme (spirit) and humankind, a milestone in a for sure rapidly expanding area of bioenergemal (spiritual) research, it merits a place on the shelves of professionals, students and anyone involved with the study of the conscience. M. P. REVISED EDITION * * * Alejandro Cuevas-Sosa was born in Yautepec, Morelos, Mxico, in 1939. He studied medicine at theUniversidad Nacional Autnoma de Mxico (UNAM), in Mexico City. After a master's degree (human genetics) at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, he returned to Mexico to specialize in psychotherapy at UNAM. He is member of the Academia Mexicana de Ciencias and now he is director president of the Fundacin Comunicacin Bioenergemal, in Mexico City.