註釋In writing this project report, I aim to examine the creative process of making my MFA thesis film, ENDGAME, a feature length documentary that explores the emerging issue of video game addiction. This film was made by utilizing remote video interviews during the Covid-19 global pandemic. Inspired by the very screens and technologies in question my films style is meant to reflect the digitally distant connections that video game players and social media users have grown accustomed to. Through interviews with users, academics, and technology advocates my goal was to better understand the design of video games, why we use them and their effect on us. Centering the film around my life and my own complicated relationship with video games my hope was to better understand how a user can fall into video game addiction. Through the process of making ENDGAME my goal was to illuminate that video game addiction is just the beginning of a much larger problem concerning the overuse of interactive technologies. I hope that my film and my story will inspire viewers and users to reevaluate their video game habits and reconsider why we play.