Groups and Model Theory
In Honor of Rüdiger Göbel's 70th Birthday, May 30-June 3, 2011, Conference Center "Die Wolfsburg," Mülheim an Der Ruhr, Germany
出版American Mathematical Soc., 2012
主題Mathematics / Geometry / AlgebraicMathematics / Group TheoryMathematics / Logic
註釋This book contains the proceedings of the conference "Groups and Model Theory'', held May 30-June 3, 2011, in Ruhr, Germany, in honour of Rudiger Gobel's 70th birthday.

In the last thirty years, group theory has received new input through the application of methods from logic to problems in algebra. In particular, model theory has strongly influenced both commutative and non-commutative group theory. This led to striking new developments in group theory and has had an interesting impact back on model theory. This interplay has been revisited by algebraists and model theorists and is showing strong and promising roads for future research.

This book presents important current research at the border of model theory and group theory by renowned researchers. Articles in this volume cover abelian groups, modules over commutative rings, permutation groups, automorphism groups of homogeneous structures such as graphs, relational structures, geometries, topological spaces or groups, consequences of model theoretic properties like stability or categoricity, subgroups of small index, the automorphism tower problem, as well as random constructions.