An Introduction to Scientology
註釋TAGALOG LANGUAGE EDITION. "I have lived no cloistered life and hold in contempt the wise man who has not lived and the scholar who will not share. There have been many wiser men than I, but few have traveled as much road. I have seen life from the top down and the bottom up. I know how it looks both ways. And I know there is wisdom and that there is hope." L. Ron Hubbard This exclusive interview with L. Ron Hubbard was filmed in Salisbury, Rhodesia (now Zimbabwe), in May 1966 by Rhodesian Television. Mr. Hubbard had traveled to Rhodesia from his home in southern England earlier that year to continue his Scientology research towards the highest levels of spiritual awareness. Then, as now, Scientology was expanding at a phenomenal pace, and regularly bannered across international headlines. L. Ron Hubbard granted this interview to explain how he arrived at his discoveries on the mind, spirit and life and to answer those most commonly asked questions: What is Scientology? Why is it a religion? And how do people benefit from it? Here, then, is that insightful and candid 1966 interview with the founder of the fastest-growing religion in the world Scientology.