Exotic Summer Nights
註釋Hedonistic playboy Chad McFee was ready to sell the winery he'd inherited, until winemaker Lelia Fairmont hands him a challenge he can't resist. And he'll show her -as soon as his muscles stop aching. In Sydney a woman comes face-to-face with the man she swore would never hurt her again. But when they agree to an intense, no-strings Ding, she wonders if she's gotten in way over her head...and her heart! In Atlanta a woman lies in a hospital bed after a serious accident. But when the hospital calls her emergency contact -her ex-lover -she's horrified she doesn't remember him? Worse still, she might be falling for him...again! Carrie Evans is in Hawaii for a dream getaway wedding -with rain, a missing dress and absent guests. Is there enough Hawaiian magic to turn these nightmarish nuptials into the best day of her life?