John Smith Paranormal Investigator
註釋A boy woke up in a Mexican hospital without the memory of his past. Because the only thing that he could do was to speak English they sent him to the United States where the authorities gave him the name John Smith because nobody knew who he was.

John tried to live a life that was as normal as possible seeing ghosts when one day a dead bank robber changed his life. Later as he was working with ghosts, to avoid the revenge of a Mexican crime family he moved to Hamburg Germany.

However here, by helping a very pretty ghost who offers to introduce him to a model friend of hers John discovers his past, and who he really was.

When that happened, he found himself loving two girls one as John and one as his old self Heinrich and that brought with it a lot of personal complications.

On top of all that, Lili who hired him to investigate her death, was killed by the brother of the girl that Heinrich is in love with, and they are extremely dangerous because they belong to the New Nazi movement, and they want to kill him, so he cannot find out the truth.

This first story takes the reader from the first day I woke up in the hospital until I solved my first case in Germany, where I also discovered who I was as a person.

Allen Dead is a name I created to hide my identity because of my past and what I did in it. You see, John Smith is not a fictitious character.

John Smith was based on my life and all the things I did for a lifetime. These stories were modernized so this way nobody could find out the real people behind them.

Because many of them are still alive, and if others would find out their real identity they could be hurt or even killed.