52 Quotes to live by
Zett Why
Internet Ideas Ltd
, 2012
Self-Help / General
52 Quotes to Live By is a Self Help category book written by Zett Why. It's a spiritual and philosophical book that discusses what really makes us happy. Due to many objective and subjective reasons, we are often forced to go in directions which wouldn't be our choice under other conditions. We usually follow the goals imposed by society, friends, or just egoism created by ourselves. The more intellectual we become, the less often we feel satisfaction in our consciousness. We postpone moments of happiness to particular points in time, and believe that we will be happy when we achieve them. But right after having achieved them, we set new goals, and go on to the next goal. This race has no end... Oriental wisdom says - "if you don't let the bee go out of the hive, she will not be able to bring back nectar". Letting go of your knowledge is an art and the high road to wisdom. Wisdom accommodates opposites. The intellect is not capable of this. You have to let go of Rightness, too. Then you won't be hurt by knowing. Only this will help you become reborn, and only this will let you find joy in simple things. Only this way leads to happiness... Pleasure in consciousness is all that we need. It's a guiding star, showing us whether we are on the right Way, or not. Alienation from pleasure is called Suffering. Pleasure seeking (desire) is called Hope. The appearance of a pleasurable moment - Happiness. Permanence in being in a condition of pleasure is called Love. A condition of pleasure which involves all your entity is called Nirvana. People who are able to stay in a condition of overpowering pleasure in consciousness all the time, call it the Supreme Truth. Here is all that is Human... In his book, Zett Why encourages learning to differentiate real joy from egoism. He also offers 52 Ways about how to achieve a feeling of satisfaction in consciousness. In describing the ways, Zett analyzes aspects of daily life and introduces practical recommendations about how to find our real I, and joy in our daily life.