The Frontier in American History
註釋The Significance of the Frontier in American History--Chapter 1 of this book--is one of the most important historical essays in United States history. It was originally presented by Frederick Jackson Turner at the World's Columbian Exposition in Chicago in 1893 and published later that year. It was later incorporated into Turner's 1921 book The Frontier in American History. Here Turner presents his views on how the idea of the frontier shaped the American character and culture. He argues that the frontier has been the driving force in American history and he uses it to explain why America is what it is today. This frontier thesis has been both greatly respected and debated. Critics argue that many factors have influenced American culture and that Turner placed too great of an emphasis on the role on Westward expansion and the frontier experience. Still insightful over 100 years later, Turner's complete original essays are reproduced here for the modern audience to consider anew.