Tales of Krishna

Lord Vishnu is the perpetuator of all life forms and non-living things, in this world. Probably, no other incarnation of Lord Vishnu has been so thoroughly read, written about and enacted as Krishna. This book is a compendium of the tales of Lord Krishna's life. It starts with this birth and ends at the point when He leaves this immortal world, after completing all ethereal tasks.

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These tales have enthralled the readers of all tastes and backgrounds. His name, if chanted, brings peace and prosperity. His leelas, if read or watched, make readers wiser, learned and devotional. Such is the power of Krishna!

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He arrived to demolish the demons and removed chaos from Aryavrat. He gave the Divine Sermon in the form of Geeta, to Arjuna (during the end of the Mahabharata War). Lord is truly a lotus-he undertook all actions of the ethereal world like a true yogi but did not involve himself in its pleasures and agonies.