The Psychobiology of Mind

Originally published in 1978, this book develops a conceptual synthesis of the field of physiological psychology, the science specifically concerned with the relationship between the brain and the mind. It was designed to elucidate the important questions under investigation, the basic intellectual and technical problems that were encountered, and the significance of the major empirical results of the time. Of equal or even greater importance is the author’s derivation of the general principles relating brain and mind that had emerged after decades of modern research into this important question. Included in the volume are historical and philosophical perspectives on the mind-brain problem as well as extensive discussions of instruments, methodology, empirical findings and theory.

Here is a powerful heuristic tool that informs the reader about the concepts and ideas implicit in this science rather than simply exhaustively listing experimental results. The author does not ignore findings; he organizes them into three broad categories – localization; representation, and learning – then emphasizes the relationships among experiments. This is a book that synthesizes, integrates, and stresses concepts, principles and problems. The careful organization of the book makes it especially useful for students of brain and mind at all levels.