I Am Cycuse
註釋"I am Cycuse" is a powerful story about the struggles of a strong, native Makah woman in the early 19th century in the farthest reaches of the Pacific Northwest territory of the American colonies. Her great, great Grandson, Steven Cramer, shares this passionate telling of her entire life as she watched her family, heritage, traditions, and spirituality collapse before her eyes. This deeply personal story displays her love, hate, and adventures in life. Readers will find that she offers a message of hope as she walks daily with her Great Chief and Spirit Guides.

Experience a captivating story of an incredible woman who brought hope when life seemed unmanageable. Her strong belief in the spirituality of Native American culture was an inspiration for all.

This is an essential read for those interested in native cultures, as well as those who might like to explore native spirituality. The book may test some preconceived notions about the "savages" of the northwest. Cycuse was many things, but above all else, she was a survivor.