Psychoanalysis for Intersectional Humanity

Psychoanalysis for Intersectional Humanity considers both the vast realm of sexual diversities emerging under capitalism and outlines what a psychoanalytic clinic that considers these diversities should be like.

Ricardo Espinoza Lolas explores these themes hand in hand with the Marquis de Sade, exploring the monstrous side of our existence – not as a negative aspect of humanity, but as a part of us that strives for a freer and more inclusive life. Espinoza Lolas explores aspects of psychoanalysis, feminism, critical theory, philosophy, history, politics and the arts in considering how human determination can be torn from ego and neurosis. The book concludes with a disarticulation of the categories of neurosis, psychosis and perversion of psychoanalysis and the suggestion of a new clinic and a new politics.

Psychoanalysis for Intersectional Humanity will be of great interest to psychoanalysts in practice and in training, Lacanian clinicians and scholars of psychoanalytic studies, philosophy and critical theory.