Doniphan's Expedition
Containing an Account of the Conquest of New Mexico; General Kearney's [?] Overland Expedition to California; Doniphan's Campaign Against the Navajos; His Unparalleled March Upon Chihuahua and Durango; and the Operations of General Price at Santa Fé. With a Sketch of the Life of Col. Doniphan ...
出版J. A. & U. P. James, 1850
註釋A soldier's personal account of the Mexican War of 1846-48, experienced as a member of the First Regiment of Missouri Mounted Volunteers, commanded by Col. Alexander Doniphan. Howes calls the 1848 edition the "best ed[ition]" of one of the classic, primary works on the campaign of the first Missouri Cavalry in New Mexico and Chihuahua. "The narrative is a valuable adjunct to the literature of overland travel, Doniphan's march being one of the most famous in history and the author an actual participant. The chapters on the march to California of Kearny's Army of the West, the battles en route and there, and of affairs on the West Coast during the Revolution, contain one of the earliest accounts of these world-shaking events to appear in print"--Eberstadt