Crisis Intervention in Criminal Justice/social Service

The reader will find the information in this book invaluable in the delivery of crisis intervention within the domains of criminal justice and social services. It is intended for pre-service and in-service criminal justice and social service crisis interveners who come into contact with victims of domestic violence/spouse abuse, child abuse and neglect, elder abuse and neglect, rape and sexual assault, loss of a loved one or any other type of crisis. The purpose is to provide theoretical, analytical, and practical knowledge for first responders. Face-to-face interaction with the client/victim is part of the comprehensive approach advocated by this book, which requires interveners to assess the nature of a crisis and the condition of the victim, in order to determine the appropriate course of action. Each chapter in the book offers a theoretical overview of a particular facet of intervention, as well as models and methods for applying crisis theory to crisis situations faced by interveners. The comprehensive balance of theory and practice presented in this volume should enable the intervener in coupling his/her general knowledge of human psychology and emotional crisis with the specific and novel characteristics of various crisis situations. This new edition retains important information, in a revised format, while adding important and timely topical information. It will be of interest to firefighters, police officers, social workers, childcare caseworkers, correctional personnel, probation/parole officers, clergy, emergency medical personnel, victim advocates, shelter care personnel, psychological counselors, and professionals from many other criminal justice and social service areas.