
 The objective of the research project “Development of a training model in the strengthening of microfi-nance in Uganda” has been the definition and the dissemination of a training model in the field of microfi-nance in Uganda. The project can be replicated on a national scale and would have the potential to improve the effectiveness of this sector in order to ultimately reduce financial exclusion.

The project achieved main results as follows:

organization of a specialized course to improve professional capabilities of local experts working in the field of microfinance in Uganda;implementation of the sustainability to be achieved in terms of microfinance projects’ dissemination by helping the new operators to the introduction of new initiatives in remote areas;improvement of the mobility of trained human resources in order to develop develop a comparative approach to microfinance, in paticular to the issue of microinsurance;creation of an internet portal, in both Italian and English, to open an interesting communicative window;improvement of the availability of relevant data in order to assess the progress and the impact of microfinance projects;sharing micro-entrepreneurial experiences that can create positive externalities to further expand productive activities;dissemination of best practices that will improve entrepreneurial skills, fostering greater impact on the socio-economic context.