Some of the Salient features of this book are :
l The treatment of the subjects are simple as well as exhaustive. Use of diagrams, tables and boxes have been made to make the subject self-explanatory.
l To facilitate self examination by the aspirants (students/candidates), the material for objective type questions and past year questions have been given in a simple sequence in the whole book.
l The better sequence of events have been given so that the aspirants (students/candidates) could better understand the level and type of the questions for the competitive exams.
l Looking in the questions of Previous years state-level & central competitive exams we made a good strategy to understand and to learn the events. A hidden learning structure have also been given for wide and warm conception of the aspirants (students/candidates).
Sarajano Publication has followed the whole curriculum and pattern of All competitive Exams while writing this book. To give our students a sufficient and useful study material, we have gone through with all those questions which have been a part of all competitive examinations in the past years. We have prepared this book with due vigilance and help of our senior and experienced writers.
We not only hope but also believe that this book will help you in your endeavour.
Suggestions and constructive criticism for the improvement of the book shall be highly appreciated.
Our heartiest wishes for our students