Regulation and Function of Sterile Apetala in Arabidopsis Flower Development
註釋STERILE APETALA (SAP) is known to be an essential regulator of flower development for over 20 years. Loss of SAP function in the model plant Arabidopsis thaliana is associated with a reduction of floral organ number, size and fertility. In accordance with the function of SAP during early flower development, its spatial expression in flowers is confined to meristematic stages and to developing ovules. However, to date, despite extensive research, the molecular function of SAP and the regulation of its spatio-temporal expression still remain elusive. In this work, amino acid sequence analysis and homology modeling revealed that SAP belongs to the rare class of plant F-box proteins with C-terminal WD40 repeats. In opisthokonts, this type of F-box proteins constitutes the substrate binding subunit of SCF complexes, which catalyze the ubiquitination of proteins to initiate their proteasomal degradation. With LC-MS/MS-based protein complex isolation, the interaction of SAP with major SCF complex subunits was confirmed. Additionally, candidate substrate proteins, such as the growth repressor PEAPOD 1 and 2 (PPD1/2), could be revealed during early stages of flower development. ...