Working together to cut crime and deliver justice
註釋This document details the Government's strategic plan for the criminal justice system to 2011 based on four priorities: effectiveness in bringing offences to justice; engaging the public and inspiring their confidence; putting the needs of victims at the heart of the justice system; and developing simple and efficient processes which make the best use of resources, expertise and technology. To deliver efficient and effective services, the criminal justice agencies (including the police, prosecution services, courts, youth justice, probation and prison services) will need to work closely together through their local criminal justice boards (LCJBs) and other local partnerships. This will also support the Government's wider crime reduction and re-offending strategies to make communities safer, as set out in the Home Office crime strategy document "Cutting crime: a new partnership 2008-2011" (available at http://www.homeoffice.gov.uk/documents/crime-strategy-07/crime-strategy-07?view=Binary).