Hear The Whispers, Live Your Dream
Andreas Moritz
Ener-Chi Wellness Center
, 2009-06
Medical / Alternative & Complementary Medicine
Body, Mind & Spirit / Healing / Prayer & Spiritual
Listening to the whispers of your heart will set you free. The beauty and bliss of your knowingness and love center are what we are here to capture, take in and swim with. You are like a dolphin sailing in a sea of joy. Allow yourself to open to the wondrous fullness of your selfhood, without reservation and without judgment.Judgment stands in the way, like a boulder trespassing on your journey to the higher reaches of your destiny. Slide these boulders aside and feel the joy of your inner truth sprout forth. Do not allow another's thoughts or directions for you to supersede your inner knowingness, for you relinquish being the full, radiant star that you are.It is with an open heart, a receptive mind, and a reaching for the stars of wisdom that lie within you, that you reap the bountiful goodness of mother Earth and the universal I AM. For you are a benevolent being of light and there is no course that can truly stop you, except your own thoughts, or allowing another's beliefs to override your own.May these aphorisms of love, joy and wisdom inspire you to be the wondrous being that you were born to be!