Inelastic Scattering of He by H2 at Low KeV Energies
Alan V. Bray
University of Connecticut
, 1975
Measurements of charge exchange probability, total differential cross section, energy loss, and inelastic differential cross section are presented for He+ ions scattered by H2 at energies from 1.0 to 3.0 keV. The energy loss data show that the lowest energy loss peak is elastic to 7-8 keV deg , and beyond this point vibro- rotational excitation is present. Three additional energy loss peaks are observed which are attributable to electronic excitation of H2. The energy losses associated with these peaks are always observed to be a constant energy above the energy loss associated with the ground state. This result indicates that the vibrational and electronic excitation occur via mechanisms which exhibit negligible coupling. The inelastic differential cross sections for these excited electronic states are found to lie on universal curves in a reduced differential cross section vs. reduced scattering angle presentation.