Natural and Herbal Remedies for Common Disorders

Ayurveda, the science of life, holistic medicine offers a complete solution with medicines, diet and lifestyle. The radical shift occurred in defining health encourages the medical fraternity of modern times to look deeply into empirically evolved ayurvedic techniques for the maintenance of positive health.

The recent WHO report says that 70% of the world population is using herbal medicines for their primary health care. In last decade the use of herbal medicines increased tremendously.

Many books have been written on Ayurveda medicine but most of them for health professionals. There are few books which addresses the primary health care needs of layman. To fulfill this demand, I wrote this book, containing simple and effective home remedies which are available in the local market and online stores. These home remedies have been practiced since more than 2000 years. I hope the readers will satisfy and will get perfect health by adopting the remedies, regime and diet described in this book.


Vaidya Vasant Patil