
My motive behind this book, is to encourage others to want to become more dependent upon themselves, and their own capabilities. One needs only the will to learn the knowledge one needs to be truly self reliant

Physical Necessities Section
Provide yourself with the daily physical necessities(water, food, and shelter). Make your own soap, toothpaste, shampoo, herbal remedies, lip balms, medicines, teas, salves, re-grow hair, learn about nutrition build your own home with structurally sound, highly cost and energy efficient materials! Learn to grow everything you consume, and reuse what you can; make a positive impact on your environment.

Mental Health Section
Learn how to rid yourself of stress, depression, and negative influence, so that you are fully capable of inviting only positive, permanent changes into your life. You will also learn how to use negative energy for a new and positive purpose.

Spiritual Connection Section
Experience success; become One with the Collective Soul. Sense, feel, and address, what Being really is as a whole. Comprehend your own, inner most desires;Create and improve your personal atmosphere. Make real, your capabilities. There are two types of people in this world the leaders and the followers. Which would you rather be?