The Land of Fire
註釋This tale is the last from the pen of Captain Mayne Reid, whose stories have so long been the delight of English boys. Our readers may, perhaps, like to know something of the writer who has given them so much pleasure; especially as his own life was full of adventure and of brave deeds. Mayne Reid was born in the north of Ireland in 1819; his father was a Presbyterian minister, and wished that his son should also be a clergyman; but the boy longed for adventure, and to see the world in its wildest places, and could not bring himself to settle down to a quiet life at home. When he was twenty years old he set out on his travels, and, landing at New Orleans, began a life of adventure in the prairies and forests of America-good descriptions of which were given by him in his books. In 1845 a war broke out between the United States and Mexico, and young Reid instantly volunteered his services to fight on the United States' side. He received the commission of lieutenant in a New York regiment, and fought all through the campaign with the most dauntless courage. He received several wounds, and gained a high reputation for generous good feeling.