HIV/AIDS: Political Will and Hope
註釋HIV/AIDS: Political Will and Hope, demonstrates that the scourge of the AIDS, flourishes within the weaknesses of the Nigerian state and in the deficiencies of socio-cultural, economic and political constructs. The abovementioned structures have nurtured a culture and politics of neglect, inequalities and marginalisation of disempowered and subordinated children, men and more especially women. These disease-prone circumstances expose human behavioural weaknesses and the limitations in the government structures as well as poor implementation of policies especially within the health care sector. The result is the inefficiencies, insufficiencies and inadequacies in the HIV/AIDS preventive as well as care and support programmes. It therefore makes clear that for the Nigerian state to prove itself in the present scourge of AIDS, it would have to exert all its political will in order to construct a proper caring responsibility as a basic attitude for her citizenry in general and for her overwhelming HIV/AIDS patients in particular. This is a challenge to a health-care reform and an adequate caring responsibility for people living with AIDS. To do this effectively, this book recommends a few steps.