New Star
註釋New Star (108K words) From Kirkus Reviews: .".".delivers breathless, addictive stuff."" Using alien fusion technology, Taylor's people launch two nuclear submarine hulls into orbit. These hulls are orbital defense stations to protect Earth from the Qu'uda's anticipated return. Dissension grows among the Qu'uda, which delays their return to Earth for they have to build a second interstellar spaceship for the pacifist faction that wants to return to their home planet. The warlike Qu?uda faction returns to Earth. On arrival, they encounter the Hoo-Lii ship, which they attack. The Qu?uda then attack the human space station, which fights back with nuke missiles and cripples the Qu?uda's ship. The humans offer the Hoo-Lii water while trying to communicate. The Hoo-Lii accept the water, which in their society, is a symbol of submission. They depart for home, joyful, believing they have found a world rich with water and filled with submissive aliens.