註釋Hell's Kitchen, 1953 Brendan O'Toole is on a downward slide. When his wife dies in a freak car accident, he quits his job and hits the bottle hard. Half tanked in the ring, he allows himself to be knocked out, ending his boxing career. O'Toole, hits rock bottom. After a night of boozing, he is brutally mugged and left for dead. But O'Toole has friends, even if he can't see it. One of them is Danny Reilly, a barman with a heart of gold. He arranges for O'Toole to join a construction crew set to work on a hotel being built in the Central African jungle nation of Sezanda. It's O'Toole's last shot at redemption. Sezanda, Central Africa, 1954 As things begin to look up for O'Toole, the Sezandan government is overthrown in a military coup. All foreigners are taken prisoner and locked in concentration camps. O'Toole is sent to the worst, HELL CAMP XXI, under the control of a brutal ex-Nazi, Kommandant Krieger. Krieger has a special way of keeping his prisoners under control. In the camp, he has erected a boxing ring. And anyone who steps out of line is forced to face off against his man-mountain, wrecking machine, Crator - a man whose sole purpose is to inflict pain. Fate has destined Brendan O'Toole to don the gloves one more time, in a fight not just for his life, but his very soul.