The Films of Jean Seberg

Here is the first comprehensive examination of the international film career of Iowa-born actress Jean Seberg (1938-1979). Bursting onto the scene as star of Otto Preminger's controversial Saint Joan (1957), the 19-year-old Seberg encountered great difficulty recovering from the devastating criticism of her performance. The turnaround came in 1959 with her brilliant work in Jean-Luc Godard's "new wave" classic A bout de souffle (Breathless). Though her Hollywood prospects were harmed by subsequent political involvements, Seberg continued to work with some of Europe's finest directors. Her later films offer a fascinating view of the movie industry in the 1960s and 1970s--and of a courageous actress always ready for a new challenge. A biographical sketch provides a framework for detailed scrutiny of her 37 films. Background information and a critical evaluation is provided for each title.