Memoirs of a Maladjusted Teacher

Memoirs of a Maladjusted Teacher tells the true story of life for a 33-year-old teacher in a school purpose-built for unhappy and disturbed children who had been suspended from their previous schools. It was an all-age school, taking children from 5-year-olds to 17-year-olds. Some of the children were violent, some were withdrawn, all were unhappy.

The writer, Nick Yapp - that's me - joined the staff of the school just before it opened. I'd been a teacher for ten years. My marriage had just broken up. I was keen, but in a bit of a mess. The Memoirs cover the beginnings of my recovery, the every day joy and tears of life in a lively school run on Psycho-dynamic lines, and how I discovered romance in a partnership that has so far lasted 45 years.