Middle East Realities: A Guide to Understanding: 2nd Edition

 The perceptions and attitudes that exist today between the East and the West had their origins in former times and earlier civilizations but have been exacerbated by current day acts of hostility and the re-emergence of an intimidating ideology. This seemingly unending conflict is no longer confined to the Middle East but is now wreaking havoc on a good part of the western world, changing lifestyles and decimating economies. We are engaged in a war against terror without clearly understanding the enemy we face or the inspiration behind the zeal that drives people to bring harm to us—at any cost.

Middle East Realities recounts the genesis of today’s conflict, reviews the histories and natures of the key players and explains those factors that drive their actions. This brief and easy-to-read book aims to leave the reader with an improved understanding of this debilitating and broadening concern that is growing increasingly perilous and ever intrusive.