Daniel and the Lion's Den
註釋Be blessed richly by reading how Daniel looked up from the den's bottom and saw the sky disappearing, along with the natural light dimming, as several beams of ghostly light suddenly pierced the cloud of blackness that usually existed when the covering stone was being put into place. And from out of that dimly lit place dozens of hellish eyes all around him all of a sudden were glowing like beacons of incoming death aflame as dozens of lions quickly encircled him. But as they slowly neared, the devilish blood lust within their eyes immediately faded away with the ghostly light's increase that was happening all around Daniel at the very same time. Furthermore, the reddish glare within the eyes of those starving beasts abruptly began glowing a beautiful shade of blue because of the reflection of that intensifying incandescent ghostly light, which was radiating all around Daniel like a blanket of some glorious warmth.Even those lions stopped dead in their tracks, many being only a few feet away from that son of Jerusalem. 'Twas then a delightful moment when that prophet of the King of Heaven unexpectedly felt His anointing fall upon his shoulders, as the sound of a rushing wind supernaturally swept through that cavernous looking den, swiftly causing most of those overgrown cats to back off several feet. So without any warning, Daniel was abruptly being placed under the raging fires of God's blazing love, while his very own heart was immediately inflamed with wonder, once he realized that this den of death was ablaze with life.