Overheard in My Living Room
For six years, Maggie Gibbs has been hiding in plain sight, listening to all of you talk as if she wasn't even there.
It's payback time. Praise for "Overheard in My Living Room: 2014" Sarah Kolb-Williams, Editor -"Uh, I thought we agreed I wouldn't be credited on this . . ." Maggie's mother -"So "this" is how you've been spending your time." [PUBLISHER'S NAME REDACTED] -"I'm not entirely sure what to say, Maggie, other than please stop grinning at me with that strange look in your eyes. You're making me uncomfortable." Ex-roommate, somewhere in South America -""They'll never find me!!"" *click* "Overheard in My Living Room" Now with more bacon! ""He just high-fived me in the face for a piece of bacon.""
""You know the single best way to make vegetarian food taste better? Bacon."" More Excerpts from "Overheard in My Living Room: 2014" What kind of beer do you want?
-Just a regular beer.
Don't you wish we could play that Klingon game again?
She just almost cheersed that old lady in the face.
You shake that moneymaker, because I want some more kimchee.