Learn more about this book here: https: //www.ourspirit.com/gospelofsophia This third Volume in the GOS series brings forth a new synthesis of ancient and modern initiation inspired by The Most Holy Trinosophia, the Freemasonic initiation wrritten by the Comte de St. Germain, and the spiritual science of Rudolf Steiner who was one of the great modern initiates.Sophia Christos speaks through the mental and moral training provided in Volumes 1 and 2 as a modern path of self initiation is taught to the reader. The Seven Pillars of Virtue and the Language of the Spirit manifesting in the twelve cosmic directions is at the heart of this new Temple of PanSophia. Each step of the initiation produces results upon the aspirant and required steps in moral development to proceed. As the aspirant advances into an initiate the cosmological world view in the soul expands to encompass the surrounding cosmos in a consciousnes way that interacts directly with Sophia (Wisdom) and Christos (Love). This experience changes the reader who becomes the aspirant knocking at the door of the spiritual world, asking to come in.