
英國高等教育學費與助學政策之改革 A Study on Policy Reform of Higher Education Tuition Fees and Financial Support or Assistance Schemes for Students in the United Kingdom/楊瑩、黃家凱、馬扶風

西歐高等教育治理政策之變革:英國與法國經驗之探究 An Analysis of the Change of Governance Policies in Higher Education in Western Europe: Evaluative State in France and the UK/劉秀曦

南韓職業證照制度之分析與啟示 Analysis of the South Korea Qualification System and Its Inspirations for Taiwan/文貞喜、張嘉育、徐昊杲

金磚四國之學前政策發展與比較 Development and Comparison of BRIC’s Early Childhood Education and Care Policies/陳議濃