Türkiye Diyanet Vakfı İslâm ansiklopedisi
註釋Religious Foundation of Turkey, founded in 1975, thirteen years with the valuable support of our nation's great in every corner of our country and abroad, religious, social and cultural services is continuing. This work of this foundation in your hand to Turkish and Islamic culture is a new and comprehensive contribution. As we know, a copyright as a product Encyclopedia of Islam, Muslims throughout history, religion, science, philosophy, art, and culture of the place they put pieces of work these folks come and they pass, live country where they keep belong to history, geography and ethnography information containing the extract and solid information is collected It is a work. 1908 - 1938 by Europeans between English, French and German as published in The Encyclopaedia of Islam is a work in this area has been formed. However, this encyclopaedia of Islam and the Islamic world in general, which is an important element of the information on the Turkish world very short time, sometimes missing, sometimes they are given false. For this reason, Turkey Religious Foundation, commissioned by the Encyclopaedia of Islam in the Muslim nations of the knowledge, ideas, art, religion and cultural assets correctly and satisfactorily dealt with, the Turkish-Islamic civilization, and that civilization consists contributed greatly to the Turkish science, literature, religion and statesmen are given as required. In other words, this book, Encyclopedia of Islam, although copyright remains true to type mainly Turkish-Islamic civilization, a permanent document that will be transferred from generation to generation and supply in nature.