Development Across the Life Span

For Lifespan Development courses.

A compelling blend of lifespan development research and applications

Development Across the Life Span provides a chronological overview of human development from conception through death. Author Robert Feldman examines both the traditional areas of the field and more recent innovations, drawing readers into the discipline. Focusing on practical applications of developmental findings, the text highlights the relevance of the discipline to students' own lives.

The 10th Edition offers updated content, including coverage of recent events such as the COVID-19 pandemic. Dozens of revised figures and photos plus over 1000 new citations keep the text current.

Hallmark features of this title
  • Developmental Diversity and Your Life features highlight issues relevant to today's multicultural society.
  • Development in Your Life features describe applications of specific research conducted by developmental investigators.
  • Looking Ahead sections at the beginning of each chapter orient readers to the topics to be covered.
  • Looking Back summaries at the end of each chapter help students tie together the concepts presented.
  • Career prompts help students grasp the applicability of the material to professions including education, nursing and health care.
  • Putting It All Together summaries prompt students to consider a topic from their own point of view, as well as from the perspective of parents, educators and social workers.
New and updated features of this title
  • UPDATED: Fresh content throughout the 10th Edition ensures currency and boosts student engagement. The author has updated the text with dozens of revised figures and photos as well as over 1000 new citations from articles and books published in the last few years. Highlights of new and updated topics include:
    • advances in such areas as behavioral genetics, brain development, evolutionary perspectives and cross-cultural approaches to development
    • how the work of developmental psychologists is influenced by current events related to diversity, equity and inclusion, including the emergence of Black Lives Matter
    • the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on multigenerational family arrangements
  • UPDATED: From Research to Practice features describe a contemporary developmental research topic and explain how it can be applied to everyday problems. All are new to the 10th Edition. New topics include racial health disparities and gender understanding in transgender children.
  • UPDATED: Chapter-opening prologues describe an individual or a situation that is relevant to the basic developmental issues being discussed in the chapter. All are new to the 10th Edition. New topics include the COVID-19 pandemic and the difficulties of being a teenager.
Features of Revel for the 10th Edition

Learn more about Revel.

  • A set of carefully curated videos explores developmental psychology from a variety of perspectives. Topics include a deeper look at diversity and the latest in neuroscience.
  • Interactives entitled "Myth or Truth" and "Fun Facts and a Lie" bring key concepts to life.
  • Interactive figures with drag-and-drop and predictive graphing functionality enable students to explore data.
  • Two simulations in one, MyVirtualLife offers profound insights into development across the entire lifespan. After students parent a virtual child (by way of the included MyVirtualChild learning path), MyVirtualLife pivots to the first-person perspective of a virtual adult, providing a vivid sense of the impact of genetics, attitudes and decisions over the course of a lifetime.