Mechanical Vibrations

This text serves as an introduction to the subject of vibration engineering at the undergraduate level. The style of the prior editions has been retained, with the theory, computational aspects, and applications of vibrations presented in as simple a manner as possible. As in the previous editions, computer techniques of analysis are emphasized. Expanded explanations of the fundamentals are given, emphasizing physical significance and interpretation that build upon previous experiences in undergraduate mechanics. Numerous examples and problems are used to illustrate principles and concepts.

A number of pedagogical devices serve to motivate students' interest in the subject matter. Design is incorporated with more than 30 projects at the ends of various chapters. Biographical information about scientists and engineers who contributed to the development of the theory of vibrations given on the opening pages of chapters and appendices. A convenient format is used for all examples. Following the statement of each example, the known information, the qualities to be determined, and the approach to be used are first identified and then the detailed solution is given.