All Cross Dressers Take Risks

For almost all cross dressers, just by doing what they do, taking risks is part of the territory.

Although the overriding intent is to mitigate such risks as none of us really wants to be caught, exposed or have our secret revealed. Yet sometimes we lose our way in the “pink mist” which envelopes us when we don a dress or skirt and top.

Many cross dressers are conservative, rational and steady individuals, essentially risk averse in almost all that they do in their “male lives”. But many find themselves inexplicably in compromising situations thanks to letting “her” doing what “she” wants.

So, sit back and enjoy these short enlightening stories about cross dressers and their propensity to get themselves into trouble. And look out for the very moving, powerful last story which might be applicable to all of us one day.

The ultimate cross dressing risk!