Representing Texas
註釋In a frantic crush that can only be described as self-inflicted child abuse, too many otherwise-sensible inhabitants of small-town America seem to be flocking like lemmings to the big cities, leaving behind a lifestyle that is, in truth, pure gold. And as one small town after another dries up with the rush to urbana, places like La Don's Cafe and people like the Naughts of the Brown Table are, alas, getting harder and harder to find. De Leon, Texas, was blessed because La Don's was there. At La Don's the Naughts gathered around the Brown Table, along with a smattering of other folk who could be considered somewhat hard working and mainstream, to drink the brew that would float nails and swap tales and lies. Lurking among the Naughts and the semi-normals at La Don?s, a chronicler in the guise of native son Charlie Chupp who sat, watched, and listened, soaking up both wisdom and tomfoolery like Sponge Bob Square Pants soaks up salt water.