Adventure Lessons
註釋Life is weird, whacked, and wonderful if you lead it. Some float through simply and quietly, always doing the right thing, choosing the path of least resistance, and getting by. While others charge over, under, and through it; they run at Mach 10 holding a pair of scissors in one hand and a bottle of tequila in the other straight into a brick wall just to see how it feels; they question authority, responsibility and reality every six seconds; if someone's going big, they go bigger (or backwards); rules and limits are for crushing to smithereens and reinventing at will. Meet Joe Grutzik. Now picture Joe having a daughter. A daughter?! Right. Joe's on the other side: he's been this guy and lived this life. He's seen and done and jumped and fell. He wants for his daughter what he hadn't the benefit of: advice from the other side. He wants to share his often bizarre and twisted tales of his youth with his first born on the eve of her 18th birthday and of her graduation into "adulthood." He hopes to shed some light on the rights and wrongs of living life on the edge of a self-inflicted chasm, deciding every morning "Should I? or Shouldn't I?" Say you had a big, long journal that included all the scary, fun, evil, kind, honest, and real adventures of your life and then you came back to them later to reevaluate and write down exactly what you learned from those experiences... Here you have Adventure Lessons. A series of stories and rocket-loaded antics from a dad super-charged with the when, how, and why and whip-creamed with what he got from it all.