"Juden ist die Benutzung von Speisewagen untersagt"
die antijüdische Politik des Reichsverkehrsministeriums zwischen 1933 und 1945 : Forschungsgutachten
出版Hentrich & Hentrich, 2007
註釋Discusses the role of the Department of Transportation of the Third Reich in the persecution of Jews. States that already before the outbreak of World War II leading functionaries brought about the suspension of Jewish colleagues, supported the boycott against Jewish enterprises, and prohibited Jews from using dining cars and sleeping cabins. During the war the department supervised Jewish forced laborers, and by 1941 approved the planning and adoption of Sonderzüge by the Reichsbahn in order to deport millions of Jews to concentration and extermination camps. Includes biographies of leading functionaries between 1933-45, which rectify the widespread image of non-political functionaries working in a non-political ministry.