Cancer’s Cause, Cancer’s Cure: The Truth About Cancer, Its Causes, Cures, and Prevention
註釋Cancer is an illness we all dread simply because it is very difficult to cure.  Massive amounts of money have been spent not only trying to find a cure but to help potential victims prevent the disease from occurring in the first place. Following on the heels of the discovery of DNA’s double helix, Dr. Mirko Beljanski, a microbiologist at the Pasteur Institute, discovered some fundamental truths about cancerous DNA and how carcinogens act on DNA. In the course of his discoveries, he also discovered highly powerful and scientifically proven botanical agents that kill cancer cells. Beljanski found that his botanicals were selective—they only harmed the cancerous cells but didn’t harm healthy cells.  In the process, Dr. Beljanski was vilified by the French government, but he continued on with his research and found that when his botanical agents are coupled with traditional chemo and radiation cancer therapies, each becomes more effective, thus finding a highly viable integrative cancer solution.   Current studies on Dr. Beljanski’s products have been conducted through the Cancer Treatment Centers of America and the Center for Holistic Urology at Columbia University. There is more research that needs to be done to confirm Dr. Mirko Beljanski’s major breakthroughs in cancer treatments.  There is a way to make this most feared of diseases manageable.  The war on cancer is winnable, but only if we all band together and demand that the research be done so that anyone who ever hears the dreaded words, “you have cancer” doesn’t feel like they’ve been handed a death sentence.