"Between Humans and Animals is a captivating account of one man’s journey into a world where laws are made, manipulated and ultimately broken. Yet former pro-basketball player turned writer/activist, Leinad Reed, is determined to bring justice in places where human cruelty has become all too accepted.
Reed, a proponent for those who speak a language different from our own, begins his journey of social change through political activism in New York City’s late night jazz infused West Village. After years of city living, however, he finds himself drawn to the breathtaking mountains and easy living folk of Southern Vermont. This city turned country man inspires those around him to rethink who they are and what they believe through his philosophies, wit, intelligence and compassion. What Leinad discovers about social change is that can and will interfere with the agenda of others in more powerful places. As with any social movement, challenges will arise and there are those who will to go to great lengths to eliminate anyone that threatens their agenda, for good. Throughout his work, Leinad is called to embark on his greatest journey of all; love sustained by trust, friendship and loyalty. Reed takes on social change while the Universe demands self-change. Will Leinad Reed rise to these challenges or will he get benched?
This drama/mystery/love story is a dramatic page turner filled with suspense and humor that is hard to put down. You will surely travel to a place that gently stretches your imagination from the macabre to the beautiful and all that is, Between Humans and Animals."