The Oxfam Handbook of Development and Relief
註釋The Oxfam Handbook of Development and Relief, presented in two volumes (slipcased) is the product of the experience of Oxfam GB in its work in over 70 countries around the world. It is the expression of Oxfam's fundamental principles: that all people have the right to an equitable share in the world's resources, and the right to make decisions about their own development. The denial of such rights is at the heart of poverty and suffering. An invaluable work of reference, the Handbook analyzes thinking, policy, and practice in fields as diverse as health, human rights, emergency relief, capacity-building, and agricultural production, and is the only book of its kind to incorporate a gender analysis throughout. Written mainly by Oxfam staff, The Oxfam Handbook of Development and Relief represents the work of many people around the world who, over the years, have contributed their energies to fighting poverty and injustice.

The Handbook is published in a two-volume set:

Volume One
*Oxfam's approach to development and relief: principles of development and relief work; human rights; environment and development; exploring the context; *Focusing on people: gender; ethnicity, race, and caste; childhood; ageing; disability; *Capacity-building for development: social organisation; institutional development; education and training; planning and evaluation; financial management

Volume Two
*Production: agriculture; fishing; trees and forestry; small-scale industries; *Health and development: approaches to health care; health needs of specific population groups; health-care provision; financing, planning, and evaluating health programmes; *Emergencies and development: emergencies, conflict, and development; assessment, co-ordination, and consultation; health and nutrition; environmental health and physical infrastructure; food security, food aid, and food distribution; Oxfam procedures in emergency relief programmes