[Books] Books ID: books-10.5281/zenodo.14527741 - My Scientific Research Book Has Been Uploaded!
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Books ID: 10.5281/zenodo.14527741
Title: DOUBLY CONNECTED DOMINATION In Neutrosophic SuperHyperGraphs
Author(s): Dr. Henry Garrett
[HG217b] Henry Garrett, "DOUBLY CONNECTED DOMINATION In Neutrosophic SuperHyperGraphs". Dr. Henry Garrett, 2024 (doi: 10.5281/zenodo.14527741).
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Project: Neutrosophic SuperHyperGraphs and SuperHyperGraphs
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Name: "Program Committee Member" of the "7th International Conference on Electrical Engineering (ELEN 2024) @AIRCCFP"
Issuing organization: ELEN2024
Issue date: 7/6
Month of Issue date: July
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Neutrosophic Science International Association
Issued Jan 2022
Award: Diploma By Neutrosophic Science International Association
Award: Distinguished Achievements
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Name: A Reviewer in Science Publishing Group, USA.
Issuing organization: Science Publishing Group
Issue date: 12/22
Month of Issue date: December
Expiration date: 12/24
Month of Expiration date: December
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Name: 2023 Most Popular Preprints Award - Exemplary Service Award
Issuing organization: Preprints.org
Issue date: 4/24
Month of Issue date: April
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[HG218b] Henry Garrett, "STRONGLY-DOMINATING SET In Neutrosophic SuperHyperGraphs". Dr. Henry Garrett, 2024 (doi: 10.5281/zenodo.14544008).
In this scientific research book, there are some scientific research chapters on "Extreme {\tiny {\footnotesize STRONGLY-DOMINATING SET}} In Neutrosophic SuperHyperGraphs" and "Neutrosophic {\tiny {\footnotesize STRONGLY-DOMINATING SET}} In Neutrosophic SuperHyperGraphs" about some scientific researches on {\tiny {\footnotesize STRONGLY-DOMINATING SET}} In Neutrosophic SuperHyperGraphs by two (Extreme/Neutrosophic) notions, namely, Extreme {\tiny {\footnotesize STRONGLY-DOMINATING SET}} In Neutrosophic SuperHyperGraphs and Neutrosophic {\tiny {\footnotesize STRONGLY-DOMINATING SET}} In Neutrosophic SuperHyperGraphs. With scientific research on the basic scientific research properties, the scientific research book starts to make Extreme {\tiny {\footnotesize STRONGLY-DOMINATING SET}} In Neutrosophic SuperHyperGraphs theory and Neutrosophic {\tiny {\footnotesize STRONGLY-DOMINATING SET}} In Neutrosophic SuperHyperGraphs theory more (Extremely/Neutrosophicly) understandable.
Some scientific studies and scientific researches about neutrosophic graphs, are proposed as book in the following by Henry Garrett (2022) which is indexed by Google Scholar and has more than 4048 readers in Scribd. It's titled "Beyond Neutrosophic Graphs" and published by Ohio: E-publishing: Educational Publisher 1091 West 1st Ave Grandview Heights, Ohio 43212 United States. This research book covers different types of notions and settings in neutrosophic graph theory and neutrosophic SuperHyperGraph theory.
[Ref] Henry Garrett, (2022). "Beyond Neutrosophic Graphs", Ohio: E-publishing: Educational Publisher 1091 West 1st Ave Grandview Heights, Ohio 43212 United States. ISBN: 978-1-59973-725-6 (http://fs.unm.edu/BeyondNeutrosophicGraphs.pdf).
Also, some scientific studies and scientific researches about neutrosophic graphs, are proposed as book in the following by Henry Garrett (2022) which is indexed by Google Scholar and has more than 5046 readers in Scribd. It's titled "Neutrosophic Duality" and published by Florida: GLOBAL KNOWLEDGE - Publishing House 848 Brickell Ave Ste 950 Miami, Florida 33131 United States. This research book presents different types of notions SuperHyperResolving and SuperHyperDominating In Neutrosophic SuperHyperGraphs in the setting of duality in neutrosophic graph theory and neutrosophic SuperHyperGraph theory. This research book has scrutiny on the complement of the intended set and the intended set, simultaneously. It's smart to consider a set but acting on its complement that what's done in this research book which is popular in the terms of high readers in Scribd.
[Ref] Henry Garrett, (2022). "Neutrosophic Duality", Florida: GLOBAL KNOW- LEDGE - Publishing House 848 Brickell Ave Ste 950 Miami, Florida 33131 United States. ISBN: 978-1-59973-743-0 (http://fs.unm.edu/NeutrosophicDuality.pdf).