註釋"The Dark," written by Leonid Andreyev, is a psychological masterpiece that delves into the profound complexities of the human soul. This Russian literary gem explores the darker recesses of the human psyche, offering a haunting and introspective journey into existential despair. The narrative facilities around Nikolai Apollonovich Stavrogin, a complex and tormented person whose internal struggles serve as a metaphor for the societal disquiet of the time. Andreyev weaves a tale of existential crisis, capturing the bleakness of human lifestyles and the search for which means in a global reputedly devoid of reason. As the tale unfolds, Stavrogin's encounters with other characters reveal a tapestry of human suffering, alienation, and the haunting shadows that linger within the human soul. Andreyev's prose is each excessive and introspective, drawing readers into a realm wherein the limits among reality and the inner workings of the mind blur. "The Dark" stands as a seminal work in Russian literature, showcasing Andreyev's mastery in exploring profound philosophical and mental topics. Through its vivid portrayal of existential angst and the haunting splendor of melancholy, the novel stays a powerful and notion-frightening exploration of the human condition, leaving an indelible mark at the panorama of literary existentialism.