The Petrochemical Industry in Developing Asia
A Review of the Current Situation and Prospects for Development in the 1990s
出版World Bank, 1990
主題Technology & Engineering / Petroleum
註釋The purpose of this report is to address the need for information on the petrochemical industry in Asia in view of the fast-evolving situation of the industry in the region and the growing involvement of the World Bank with operations and studies in a number of Asian countries. The report reviews the current trends of the industry with relevance for Asian-based producers and documents the substantial increases in activity and rates of growth of the sector in Asia. A substantial part of the analysis is dedicated to the assessment of competitive advantages in the production of petrochemicals by individual producers. The study also review the policy framework in all countries selected and compares the different economic instruments and other policy tools that have been used to develop their industries. The report concludes that prospects for future development of the industry in developing Asia are generally favorable. As a caveat, the optimistic outlook hinges on the prospects for continuous economic growth and the oil supply and pricing situation. To secure their competitive position and materialize the growth prospects, countries with a lower competitive posture must move to improve their economics of manufacture through feedstock diversification, vertical integration, restructuring increased exposure to competition and improved long-term planning.