Autobiography of Theophilus Stinson Richey
註釋The publication of this autobiography is long overdue. It was finished some time in 1908 and in 1909 the author moved to a fairer clime (as he would have put it), so the book never got published at the time. For over a century it existed in just one typewritten copy buried in private book collections. But the advent of direct publishing has given you, the 21st century reader, a rare chance to hear a never heard before life story of a Victorian Canadian – to partake of his adventures, follow in his footsteps (sometimes at the risk of falling into deep snow or stepping on a bear). On these pages you will encounter XXX storms, Captain Kidd’s Ghost Fire Ship, an elusive Sea-serpent, as well as faithful dog Funny and some very swift horses. You will meet a slew of curious characters too – ranging from a resplendent Chief to a not so beautiful Princess.